A recreation of a pair of socks using nalbinding based on the Coppergate Sock found at Jorvik, with examination of stitch, tools, materials, and construction.
By Birna Hakadottir

A recreation of a pair of socks using nalbinding based on the Coppergate Sock found at Jorvik, with examination of stitch, tools, materials, and construction.
By Birna Hakadottir
14th Century Painted Wooden Box
By Baron Master Rhion Elandris of Glyndrvdwy
A modified replica of a chandelier in an illumination in King Rene’s Tournament Book
By Coinneach Mac an Leigh
‘A Bake Mete’ Redaction and interpretation based on 3 recipes from Harleian 279 published in Cindy Renfrow’s ‘Take A Thousand Eggs or More’ for a pear custard tart.
By Celine Elisabeth de Meaux
Having researched humoral temperaments and the warm/cold, dry/humid qualities of foods, I’ll make Compost for the Sanguine, Salat for the Choleric, Lamb Egurdouce for the Meloncholic, Rabbit Egurdouce for the Phlegmatic.
By Caterine de Troyes
Devices and methods of bone setting in the middle ages
By Meuric Ap Gwillim