
If you are interested in selling your wares at Ice Dragon 2025, please contact the Merchant Liaison:

Merchant Registration will be coming soon!

Merchant space: $15.00. Each space includes:

  • One merchant space (see below).
  • One table (8-foot folding table).
  • Two chairs.

Please note:

  • You MUST register early, as the College must accept each merchant.  There are things they will not allow on campus, or to be sold.   No, I do not have a list.  Think about things that are not allowed in schools now, such as any weapons.
  •  Merchants must check in with and pay the merchant liaison on the day of the event. Prepayment will not be accepted.
  • Merchants must check in prior to unloading and setting up.
  • Any other people attending with the merchant must pre-register by normal means and pay at the door. The Merchant liaison will not accept payments for non-merchant/assistants.

Table/space information:

  1. Merchant spaces are limited. Please reserve early.
  2. A merchant may reserve one or two spaces.
  3. The size of each merchant space is ten feet by ten feet (10’ X 10’).
  4. Merchants are welcome to bring their own tables, chairs, and fixtures but these items must fit in the 10’ X 10’ merchant space and not cause a safety hazard or disruption to other merchants.
  5. Spaces with power are limited. Please only request electricity if it is absolutely needed.
  6. The building does have Wi-Fi, no password is required.

Payment information

All money is due the day of the event. Prepayment is not required, nor will it be accepted. Fees are payable by check, money order, or cash. Check or money order should be made payable in US funds to “SCA, Inc., Barony of the Rhydderich Hael (Canadians please be sure to write “In US Funds” on your checks). There will be a $20.00 charge for bounced checks.   Merchants may just write one check, and may check in to the event as well as merchanting at once, at the Merchant Table.

Reservation deadlines

All merchant reservation forms must be received by March 10th, 2023. Sorry, no exceptions. You will get an emailed receipt with the information you filled in as soon as you register. This is not your confirmation. If you do not recommend an email receipt, contact the Merchant Liaison.

Any request received after this March 10th will be put into standby depending on availability of space. All valid merchants will receive confirmation no later than March 21st. If you have not received your confirmation by the evening of March 21st, please contact the Merchant Liaison.

Set up times

Merchant entry is 8am on Saturday, March 25, 2023


After placing a reservation, if a merchant cannot attend, please inform the merchant liaison as soon as possible. No fees will be charged for canceling a reservation, but with enough notice the space can be given to people on the standby list.

Ice Dragon 2023 merchant rules 

  1. Merchants must follow all current COVID policies.
  2. It is the responsibility of merchants to check in with the merchant liaison the day of event before unloading at their assigned spot. Any fees owed should be paid at this time. Merchants will be directed were to unload at this time.
  3. Tables/spaces will be marked with the merchant’s name and the name of the business. Please do not change spaces!
  4. If a space is required next to a particular merchant, please indicate this in the comment area of the merchant reservation form. This is not guaranteed but will be accommodated when possible.
  5. Merchants who have previously arranged for and have been granted electricity must provide their own heavy duty extension cord(s) or adapters and make sure they are properly secured with painters or masking tape as to avoid tripping and falls. None will be available on site.  Electric is very limited to space along one wall.
  6. Regrettably, there is no cart or personnel available for merchant loading/unloading. Merchants must provide their own if required.
  7. Aisles and walkways must remain clear due to NYS Fire & Safety regulations and to allow room for wheelchairs, walkers, etc. Do not block doors or hallways.
  8. There is no smoking in any areas of the building as per NYS Smoking & Fire regulations. All merchants and their companions must observe this rule and smoke outdoors only in designated areas.
  9. Site will not provide merchants with change of any kind. Merchants must come prepared.
  10. Merchants are responsible for cleaning their area and removing all trash before leaving the site. Please plan to be out of the building by 6:30pm.

Don’t be the one that loses us this site!